Dates and Times
7 October 2023: 11am - 5pm
Birkdale School of Arts Hall, 101 Birkdale Road, Birkdale
$ 80 MATES Members
$ 100 Non Members includes Membership until 30/9/2024
You will learn techniques to:
- Be present and in the moment
- Accept and build on ideas
- Embrace failure
About the Faciliator – Wade Robinson
Wade Robinson is one of Improv QLD’s founders, its training director and current President. Wade has performed with Improv QLD since it was known as ImproMafia, in the Great Grandiosa at the Wonderland Festival (2015), the Pineapple Club at the Brisbane Comedy Festival (2014/2015) and Robinson, Rimmelzwaan and White at the Anywhere Theatre Festival (2014). His producer credits include the Theatresports Grand Championships at the Brisbane Powerhouse (2013/2014), and he was also a member of the first Queensland team to win the National Theatresports Championships in Sydney. Wade is an experienced teacher, and has been a key driver of its workshop program since 2010. He has also taught improvisation to a range of clients including schools, community groups, and corporate clients.