Dates and Times
Sat. 19th October, 2024 10:30am – 5pm
Venue: Downstairs,
Birkdale School of Arts Hall, 101 Birkdale Road, Birkdale
COST: $ 80 Members
$ 100 Non Members (includes MTG Membership until 30/9/2025)
Sound & Lighting - Show Cue System
Show Cue System (SCS) is an internationally used Sound and Lighting and Program written for Windows. The SCS program is used all around the world in Theatres, Schools, Opera Houses, Music Festivals and even Escape Rooms.
Overview of Show Cue Systems
Learn how to manage sound & lighting using the Show Cue System:
- Overview of SCS
- Audio files - sound effects, music
- Video
- Images
- Lighting
Sound - including use of microphones
MATES Theatre Genesis regularly use SCS on productions.
Workshop Attendees will be required to bring a laptop with them (and power cord,) any note taking materials and lunch.
About the Faciliator – Mike Daniell
Mike is the lead developer of the Show Cue Systems program, and has many years' experience in theatre tech (amateur), starting with the Harvest Rain Theatre Company (HRTC). Mike has been involved in numerous productions for MATES and U3A Theatre Group.