Essential Stage Management – Mar 2023

WHEN:  Sunday March 19  10.30am-5.30pm

WHERE:  The workshop will be held over 2 venues:

Participants are to make their own way to and from venues!

  • Donald Simpson Centre,  172 Bloomfield Street, Cleveland QLD 4163      10.30am-1.00pm
  • Birkdale School of Arts Hall, 101 Birkdale Road, Birkdale QLD 4159     2.00pm-5.30pm

COST: $80.00-MEMBERS / $100-NON-MEMBERS (includes membership fee)


The perfect opportunity to learn Stage Management.

Laraine Griffiths, an all-rounded superstar, experienced in stage management, and directing, will provide the knowledge to start your journey as a stage manager. 


What is a Stage Manager and what do they do?

How to pull a script apart, construct rehearsal schedules and script blocking.

How to deal with others and manage time constraints.

How to adapt to different spaces.